While the recipe was good, it wasn't one of my favorites. Today for breakfast I really wanted to make waffles. However, my attempt failed. For some reason these waffles were just not tasting right to me. I was using a mix from Trader Joes and I think maybe in my attempt to re-adjust the recipe for only one person I screwed up somewhere. So no waffles for me. Instead I made a smoothie, which turned out great.
In the smoothie was 1 banana, ~5 strawberries, 1 Stoneyfield FF Vanilla yogurt, a handful of cocoa dusted almonds, ~ 1 c. Silk Vanilla Almond milk, and 6 ice cubes. I guess it made a good substitute for my waffles.
For lunch today I was adventurous and tried to make baby artichokes. Never in my life I have ever cooked an artichoke, but these baby ones looked cute and begged me to buy them at the grocery store so I gave in since they were such a good deal. I prepared them with some minced garlic, oregano, and butter in the microwave for ~ 10 minutes. When they came out they smelled delicious and were done according to the instructions I followed online since they were tender, but I didn't know how or what to eat on them haha.
I did my best but I don't know if I succeeded in all that I could have. I was afraid I would eat an inedible part or something, but now that I've done more research I'm pretty sure I can eat almost the whole thing. Gotta keep that in mind for next time. With the baby chokes I also had some of last nights leftover pasta. For a snack this afternoon I had a free sample of Total Blueberry Pomegranate with Silk Vanilla Almond milk. Definitely enjoyed this cereal, it reminded me of a blueberry muffin.
Tonight for dinner I made some roasted asparagus and a turkey burger. For the asparagus I drizzled it with some olive oil and then put it in the oven on 400 for about 10 min. Then I sprinkled a little salt and pepper and some parmesan cheese on top. Yum. I enjoyed my turkey burger on a Thomas everything bagel thin topped with a piece of ff cheddar, some mixed greens, and ketchup and mustard.
I just now snacked on a bowel of delcious turkey hill light cookies and cream extreme. Boy do I love ice cream. If I could I would eat it multiple times everyday. Ice cream is probably my favorite food. Now I'm just catching up on Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy before heading to bed. Addicting shows!
Tip for the day: Try a new recipe this week. Pick one out online or in a magazine or a cookbook and plan a day to make it. Trying a new recipe has the thrill of excitement to it because you never know how its going to turn out. It might be absolutely delicious, or you might sorta like it but find a way to tweak it to make it better next time, or might be absolutely disgusted and never make it again. Either way its a thrill and I enjoyed my new recipe this week and will tweak it next time I make it, but definitely had fun doing it.
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